Meet Judith Hendin
Judith Hendin is an internationally recognized Somatic (Bodymind) Therapist, as well as a teacher, facilitator, innovator, and author in the field of bodypsyche consciousness.
Voice Dialogue
A Senior Voice Dialogue facilitator, Judith Hendin has practiced and taught Voice Dialogue since 1989. In this marvelous field that introduces us to our inner selves, Judith Hendin is particularly known for her fine-tuned ability to discern the distinct energies of the many selves, leading to insights and mastery for her clients and students. Judith Hendin served on the counseling staff of Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, founders of Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves, and on the national teaching staff of author and visionary Shakti Gawain.

Conscious Body
In the 1990s, Judith Hendin developed Conscious Body, a subtle energetic method that uses any physical
condition as a portal into the bodypsyche to discover hidden strengths or unexpressed feelings. Her book about Conscious Body, The Self behind the Symptom: How Shadow Voices Heal Us, has been acknowledged as a clear explanation of the interplay between inner selves and the body, and her research has been published in the USA Body Psychotherapy Journal.
Judith Hendin has led Conscious Body trainings across the U.S. and Europe, including in France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Estonia, and Finland. She is known for her delightful, entertaining, and deep teaching style.
She has given presentations about Conscious Body at major centers in the U.S., including Kripalu and Omega; at the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy; the European Association for Body Psychotherapy; and at Voice Dialogue conferences in Bergen, the Netherlands; London, England; and Paris, France.
Trauma Work based on the Energies of Selves
As Judith Hendin was working with clients’ body symptoms, buried trauma often emerged, and she devised a complex and subtle way of working with trauma based on the presence of inner selves and their energies.
“Judith Hendin has developed a profound and effective method for hearing the messages our bodies are trying to give us. She is a wonderful healer whose work I highly recommend.”
Shakti Gawain
Author of Creative Visualization
and The Path of Transformation
She has been teaching this work throughout Europe.
Personal History
Judith Hendin has worked closely with some of the great thinkers of our time. At the University of Chicago, she was involved in the first Flow studies when she worked on the research team of Mihaly Cziksentmihalyi, Ph.D., and co-authored a chapter with him in his original book on Flow, Beyond Boredom and Anxiety. On fellowship, Judith Hendin spent a year traveling and studying in Japan (see photo), Hong Kong, Bali, Ceylon, India, Kenya, and Italy with renowned anthropologist Gregory Bateson, pioneer in cybernetics (systems) theory and one of the first to study the anthropology of bodies and movement.
Judith received her B.A. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Chicago, Phi Beta Kappa. Judith is a nationally certified Somatic Therapist and a certified Neuromuscular Therapist with extensive training in deep tissue, St. John, Healing Touch, Mitzvah, Rehabilitative Body Therapy, and psyche-soma methods.

As a professional dancer-choreographer, Judith Hendin performed with some of the world's leading companies, including Pilobolus and Danny Grossman (see photo of Grossman's Ecce Homo). Known for her dramatic and comic portrayals, she appeared as a featured dancer in television specials and at dance festivals throughout North America. The recipient of several major performance and choreographic grants, she produced critically acclaimed theater pieces, including a ballet based on ancient sacred sites in Britain, and performances based on the metaphysical poetry of T.S. Eliot. (Read glowing Dance Reviews.)
For her whole life, Judith has been fascinated with energy. As a dancer, she portrayed a wide range of characters with vastly different energies—an expectant mother, a bag lady, a Michelangelo sculpture come-to-life. (See photo on left.) Later in graduate school, her Master’s thesis topic was, “The Concept of Energy in Western Theatrical Dance.” Professionally, Voice Dialogue and the world of inner selves, somatics (bodymind), movement, and body modalities, all developed Judith's sensitivity to the energetics of bodies and inner selves. For thirty years, she has been sharing the fruits of this rich path.