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Who can come to ShadowDance?

Anyone can do this kind movement. It’s not about copying and reproducing someone else’s movements, it’s about letting movement come naturally from yourself. ShadowDancers can be of any age or physical ability. Disabled people have done ShadowDance while sitting in chairs.  Absolutely no dance experience is required.


It is important that participants are acquainted with, or feel comfortable dealing with, strong energies.


"But I can't dance!"

Many, if not most, of us have a voice inside that tells us we can’t dance. In a ShadowDance event, we acknowledge this voice, which is called the Inner Critic. We let it take over our bodies for a moment. Instantly, a room that was full of expectant, adventurous energy collapses into a flock of gaunt bodies, arms held tight to the sides, heads bowed in shame, eyes checking out, “Who’s looking at me?” Steps become small and tentative. Never would any of these folks become the jumping dragons they will soon become if their Inner Critics maintained a foothold.


I call out loud to the movers, “What is your Inner Critic saying inside you right now? Holler it out.”


The Inner Critics commence: “Don’t make a fool of yourself.” “You can’t dance.” “You’re too fat.” “You have two left feet.” “You’re too old.”


Everyone begins to see that we all have an Inner Critic, and that our Inner Critics are only trying to keep us safe from feeling awkward or out of place.


Then, through a quick visualization, we usher our Inner Critics out the door so we can dance unimpeded. (This does not free us from the Inner Critic henceforth and for all time. But it does give us permission in this ShadowDance to move how we wish, in ways that may be outside the box for us.) With this separation from the Inner Critic, the mood in the room lightens.


Who can come to ShadowDance?
Can I do ShadowDance on my own?
"But I can't dance"?


Frequently Asked Questions



+1 (610) 330-9778    

P.O Box 1449, Easton, PA (Pennsylvania)  18044  USA



copyright 2025-2026 Judith Hendin

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